Sermons A Tale of Two Kingdoms (Matthew 7:13-23) July 3, 2016 Bible Text: Matthew 7:13-23 | Preacher: Ken Van Kampen The Power of Remembering (Deuteronomy 8) June 19, 2016 Bible Text: Deuteronomy 8 | Preacher: Josiah Lawrence Deep Sea Discovery VBS 2016 June 12-16 June 15, 2016 More On Kingdom Prayer (Matthew 7:7-12) June 12, 2016 Bible Text: Matthew 7:7-12 | Preacher: Ken Van Kampen Don’t Judge Me! (Matthew 7:1-6) June 5, 2016 Bible Text: Matthew 7:1-6 | Preacher: Ken Van Kampen More Kingdom Values (Matthew 6:19-34) May 29, 2016 Bible Text: Matthew 6:19-34 | Preacher: Ken Van Kampen Kingdom Exercise (Matthew 6:1-18) May 22, 2016 Bible Text: Matthew 6:1-18 | Preacher: Ken Van Kampen Pentecost’s Dress Code (Colossians 3:12-14) May 15, 2016 Bible Text: Colossians 3:12-14 | Preacher: Ken Van Kampen A Mother’s Confidence (Acts 1:1-11) May 8, 2016 Bible Text: Acts 1:1-11 | Preacher: Ken Van Kampen Matthew The Law and the Kingdom (Matthew 5:17-20) April 17, 2016 Bible Text: Matthew 5:17-20 | Preacher: Ken Van Kampen | Series: Matthew « Previous 1 2 3 … 40 41 42 43 44 … 51 52 53 Next » [ezcol_divider]