Matthew Jesus’ Love of Humanity June 25, 2017 Bible Text: Matthew 15:1-20 | Preacher: Ken Van Kampen | Series: Matthew
Matthew Lessons on the Water June 18, 2017 Bible Text: Matthew 14:33-34 | Preacher: Ken Van Kampen | Series: Matthew
Matthew The Sufficiency of Jesus June 11, 2017 Bible Text: Matthew 14:13-21 | Preacher: Ken Van Kampen | Series: Matthew
Matthew A Hard Heart June 4, 2017 Bible Text: Matthew 14:1-12 | Preacher: Ken Van Kampen | Series: Matthew
Matthew The Scandalous Jesus May 28, 2017 Bible Text: Matthew 13:53-58 | Preacher: Ken Van Kampen | Series: Matthew
Matthew More Kingdom Characteristics May 21, 2017 Bible Text: Matthew 13:44-52 | Preacher: Ken Van Kampen | Series: Matthew
Matthew Kingdom Characteristics May 7, 2017 Bible Text: Matthew 13:24-43 | Preacher: Ken Van Kampen | Series: Matthew
Matthew Let Us Have Ears to Hear April 30, 2017 Bible Text: Matthew 13: 1-23 | Preacher: Ken Van Kampen | Series: Matthew